

Service administration

Being a hoster requires a webinterface that eases your daily work. Also clans and sponsoring projects do not want to give up the comfort a webinterface can bring them.

Quick start

Stable Installer up to Debian 8, 9 and 10, Ubuntu 16.10, 18.04, 18.10 and 20.04 and CentOS 7 and 8

wget -O installer.tar.gz https://github.com/easy-wi/installer/archive/3.1.tar.gz
tar zxf installer.tar.gz && mv ./installer-*/easy-wi_install.sh ./
rm -r installer.tar.gz installer-*/

#start the installer with (sudo required):
sudo bash ./easy-wi_install.sh

Unstable Installer (Developer Version)

wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/easy-wi/installer/master/easy-wi_install.sh

#start the installer with (sudo required):
sudo bash ./easy-wi_install.sh

What to expect

  • Responsive design for all kinds of screens and devices, designed to serve in a user-friendly way.
  • Easy-Wi can manage various services like Teamspeak 3 and game servers in a distributed fashion.
  • Services can be monitored and auto restart on crash activated
  • Using Symlinks for shared files decreases the game server installation to a few seconds. Using symlinks will reduce the disk usage for each server to a few Megabytes instead of many Gigabytes.
  • Webspace can be managed for various webservers like Apache2, Nginx, etc.
  • Independent or in combination with the webspace MySQL or MariaDB can be managed.
  • A CMS to manage your pages and news.

Support Channel

Discord: Easy-WI Discord Channel

Github: Easy-WI Github Channel

Twitter: Twitter

Programmer and Supporter wanted

We are looking for volunteer/free programmers who enjoy supporting us.

What we offer: * a super helpful community * a nice team * Fun at work and that without an appointment print